According to a recent survey of small business owners, about 6 in 10 have been disappointed by their social media marketing efforts. This made us say, “Hmmm …”
For our clients and for ourselves, we see success marketing through social media! Let’s hit these top 5 reasons we think so many businesses out there are struggling in a David Letterman style countdown.
#5 – No dedicated staff. It’s pretty common for owners to ask their staff to post something “every once in a while.” It doesn’t work. If it’s everyone’s responsibility to post to Facebook, no one will. There must be a single responsible person to manage posting, and small businesses often don’t have that person.
#4 – No budget. The idea that social media is a free way to interact with current and potential customers is a lingering myth. The audience is there now, the medium valuable, so it is monetized. Small businesses must decide what they’re spending and commit to a campaign just like any other media.
#3 – No digital real estate. Having a Facebook page is like renting out a booth at a flea market. You can sell products from it but see far less revenue than with your own storefront. Only having your own digital space (a.k.a. website) will take you to the next level of trust with the customer.
#2 – No content. Special offers don’t qualify as content. True content engages, answers questions, entertains. Too many small businesses use social media only to advertise sales because that’s all they have time to do, and their target audience ignores them.
And the #1 reason small businesses fail at social media marketing is …
#1 – No help. They don’t know what to do!
It’s time to make the mental leap that to be effective with social media, you must invest the resources of both time and money, and seek help. Talk to us about becoming your outsourced digital marketing manager.
Why? Because going it alone is the #1 reason your competition will fail at social media marketing this year.