Ah, November…‘Tis the season most nonprofits ramp up their efforts to promote charitable giving, while their for-profit counterparts are ramping up sales promotions and gift ideas for the holidays. And since Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and #GivingTuesday are right around the corner, now is the perfect time to take your website for a little test-drive.
If you’re in retail, you’ve probably amped up your advertising to highlight holiday deals and special offers, keenly directing potential buyers to your website. Once they get there, they need to be able to maneuver through it with no glitches. Fill out the contact form yourself to be sure that the information is going to the correct email address. We don’t want anyone getting lost in cyberspace. Also, make a small purchase through your shopping cart just to be sure everything’s in working order. Glitches can happen and can easily be fixed, preferably before any revenue is lost.
Nonprofits have a lot on the line during this time as well. Make a beeline for your donation page and make sure it’s in working order. Did the money make it to the right place? While you’re at it, fill out a volunteer form and see if your site is capturing them.
And finally, any organization with a website should be checking to be sure the information is correct, such as staff and board listings, address and contact info and pricing, if applicable. And if you find your site isn’t quite ready for the heavy holiday traffic, call the Farmhouse. We’ll help you stay on top of it!