How to Create a One-Page Marketing Plan for your Business in 2023!

Say hello to the world of marketing in 2023! It’s time for you to create a one page marketing plan, and we have all of the tools you need. From business summary to budget and target market, our guide will walk you through each step necessary to create a highly effective marketing strategy that will help your business grow over time.

Business Summary

The Business Summary section should have the following elements:
● Company Name: The name of your company.
● Company Description: A brief description of what you do and how you do it. Keep in mind that this is not a place to explain every detail about your company (that’s what the rest of your plan is for).  A few sentences are good enough here.
● Mission Statement: What problem does your business solve? It can be as simple as “We help companies build better websites,” or more complex statements like “We provide an affordable solution for businesses looking to grow their client base” or even “We help companies sell more products by increasing their visibility in search results.”

Target Market

Before you start creating your marketing plan, it’s important to define your target market. The more specific you can be about who will buy from you, the better. There are many ways to do this:
● Define your audience by age range and gender.
● Identify how many people in that group are interested in your product or service (this is called the market size). For example, if you want to sell makeup products, then a good place to start would be by saying something like “women between 18-35 years old.”
● Look at what competitors are doing within that market and how they stand out as well as any other ways they’re making themselves known in such a crowded space (like having celebrity endorsements or being on TV).


Budget is a key component of your marketing plan. It’s the amount of money you’re willing to invest in marketing, be it a fixed amount or a percentage of sales. You should be able to justify your budget with data and examples from previous campaigns that show how valuable the investment was for growth and profitability. And when it comes to setting aside funds for future campaigns, know how much you have available so that you don’t overlook opportunities because they come up sooner than you expect them too!

Marketing Channels

Marketing channels are the ways you reach your audience. You’ll use social media, advertising and public relations to promote your business. Email marketing, content marketing and online marketing are also great ways to get more customers. And offline marketing like print ads can help you find new customers too!


Marketing is important to any business, but it can be overwhelming to create a marketing plan. This article has given you some tips on how to create an effective one page marketing plan for your business. Now you know what information needs to go into it and where you should find those resources. The next step is to use those tools and implement them in your own plan!